FOUR new members have joined the Independent Monitoring Board at Thorn Cross Young Offenders Institute - and more are needed.

A member's role is to visit the prison on a regular basis, often unannounced, to discuss and view aspects of prison life with staff and trainees.

It is a vital way of ensuring that the trainees, aged from between 15 and 21, are being looked after in a fair and appropriate way and that the prison is well run.

IMB members come from all walks of life to carry out this voluntary public duty.

Peter Argent, a new member, from Appleton said: "I had been motivated by a wish to demystify the prison service and to gain a better understanding of prison life.

"I've been delighted with the warm welcome and support I've received from all members of the team and the staff at the prison.

"At first the role is a little daunting but you soon get the feel for it."

This year, the board has worked closely with staff to address a range of issues including training opportunities in the workshops, refurbishment issues and a query regarding attendance at a family funeral The board says it is in no doubt that Thorn Cross is well run and has excellent, dedicated staff.

IMB members work to ensure that this standard continues.

Two new members are required to join the board.

No special qualifications are required, only time and commitment. Other members will provide any help and guidance.

For an information pack, contact the IMB Secretariat, Ashley House, 2 Monck St, London SW1P 2BQ or or for further information contact the IMB clerk at HMYOI Thorn Cross on 805213.